I Ketut Suastika S.E., Ak., M.M. CA. BKP.
Mr Suastika has an experience for more than 18 years in the field of taxation. His experiences started in serving Indonesian Tax Authority (DGT) from 1997 until 2011. He had held several position in DGT, such tax auditor & account representative. His last position in serving DGT was account representative at High Wealth Individual (HWI) Tax Office. After serving DGT, he served as Senior Lecturer in Denpasar Financial Education &Training of Finance Ministry. After resigning from Minister of Finance, he has become tax professional until now.

As tax professional, Mr Suastika holds:
- C License No.KEP-1310/IP.C/PJ/2015 Tax Consultant Certificate from Indonesia Tax Consultant Association (IKPI)
- Tax Attorney License No. 435 /PP/IKH/2017
- Registered State Accountant No D-31.413, January 2002
- Chartered Accountant (CA) No 11.D31413, August 2014
His excellent combined knowledge in tax regulation & accounting, makes him have strong understanding in handling many cases from client and can tailor proper strategies to defend tax position of the client such as facing tax audit, tax dispute, tax objection and in tax court for both local taxation and international tax & transfer pricing issues.
Mr Suastika education background was graduated from State College of Accountancy in 1996 and continuing his study at Economic Faculty University of Indonesia majoring accounting. After got bachelor degree, he gained master’s degree in Management from STIE IGI Jakarta. Beside a tax professional, to fulfill his educational passion, he also set up a foundation Yayasan Widya Dewata (WD Foundation) in Denpasar Bali, which becomes an educational institution specialize in tax education and training such as Brevet A , B & C collaborated with Udayana University as well as a trainer also in WD Foundation