Tax Compliance Service

Tax compliance is the first step to minimize your tax risk. Tax compliance means making tax payments and producing and submitting information to the tax authorities on time and in the required formats. It also measure the degree to which a taxpayer complies (or fails to comply) with the tax rules of his country, for example by declaring income, filing a return, and paying the tax due in a timely manner. In other form, tax compliance is the first step to mitigate tax exposure.

Taxbind will provide you wide range tax compliance services. Our professionals team have deep understanding & experiences regarding regulation and current issues. In compliance services, we will provide you :

We will assist you to prepare:

  1. Individual tax return (E-SPT Form 1770, 1770S, 1770 SS)
  2. Corporate Income Tax Return (E-SPT Form 1771 Dollar & 1771 Rupiah)
  3. Submission the tax return to the tax authority annually

We will assist you to prepare  :

  1. Income Tax Article 21 & 26 Return
  2. Income Tax Article 23 & 26 Return
  3. Income Tax Article 4 (2) Return
  4. Other Withholding Income Tax  Return
  5. Submission  the tax return to the tax authority periodically

We will assist you to prepare :

  1. E-SPT Form 1111
  2. E-SPT Form 1111 DM
  3. E-SPT Form 1107 PUT
  4. Submission the VAT return to the tax authority periodically.

This services are provided base on client’s need.

Need expert solution for your tax?