Tax Dispute Resolution

A tax investigation from DGT is almost inevitable, even for good taxpayers, and the multiplicity of complex laws and regulations could be a source of tax exposure . Official assessments by the DGT are usually performed by tax audit. The issues can be local tax issues or international / transfer pricing tax issues. The quality of the tax audit is determined by its key indicators: high-tax revenue contribution and refund discrepancy. Official assessments by the DGT are required mostly whenever a taxpayer requests a refund. Poor management of a tax dispute can be costly, stressful and ultimately ineffective. It can disrupt your life and business and result in a poor financial outcome.

With our depth experience and comprehensively understanding in regulation, Taxbind will assist & help you with our experienced tax professionals to help prevent disputes before they arise and resolve those matters that are subject to challenge by the taxing authorities. Our role is to ensure that your tax dispute is managed properly, and successfully resolved quickly in line with tax regulation, so that you can focus on your life and business.

In such cases our team can provide invaluable support, including:

  1. Tax Dispute Prevention
  2. Tax Audit Management
  3. Tax Dispute Resolution
  4. Strategic planning in facing tax audits & disputes
  5. Tax Risk Management
  6. Tax Litigation Services


For all tax disputes that can raise from confirmation letter , tax audit, tax objection, tax appeal in tax court & judicial review to the supreme court.

Need expert solution for your tax?